Fisherman’s Beach

An English Cannon, cast in 1798, was captured during the War of 1812 by the Salem Privateer, Grand Turk. It was bought by the Swampscott fishermen in 1835 for use as a fog signal. The cannon was last discharged on July 4, 1857 when two men attempting to fire the gun were killed in an accident. The cannon is located on the park above Fisherman’s Beach. The Marine Corps Lieutenant General John C. Chaisson Memorial Boulder is located at the entrance to Chaisson Walk at Fisherman’s Beach. A Memorial anchor is believed to be the last trace of the bark Tedesco, which went down with all hands off Galloupes Point. The anchor chain was draped in a circular manner around the memorial base located on the grass plot overlooking Fisherman’s Beach. Public bathing is available at Fisherman’s Beach during the summer months. Lifeguards are hired, and swimming lessons for youngsters may be conducted.


Humphrey Street Swampscott, MA 1907

Driving Directions

Notes & Advisories


  • Beaches
  • Historic Resources
  • Natural Resources
  • Parks
  • Swimming & Boating


  • Appropriate for all ages