Wrecks, Wharves, and Warehouses in port. Any of these could be part of researching the maritime heritage of the coast. Our program offers divers and non-divers alike the opportunity to learn the history through exploring the maritime sites and artifacts of the past.
Ongoing Education Programming: SEAMAHP focuses on hands-on educational and training program in maritime heritage. Our programs include:
- Workshops: Our training courses focus on maritime heritage involving students in interactive classes that examine the “life-cycle” of a vessel from its inception through ship design and construction, through its “adult” life as a working vessel, and its “after life” through training in maritime archaeology of both divers and non-divers.
- Lecture Series: We provide speakers and events that share how maritime history and heritage have influenced life along the coast with students of all ages.
- Community Partners: We work with interested organizations to foster engagement and educate the public about maritime heritage.
Contact: Seamahp@gmail.com, Dr. Calvin Mires (Co-founder, Instructor), 252-902-8351 and Capt. Laurel Seaborn (Co-founder, Instructor), 978-269-7861