Seafaring Education and Maritime Archaeological Heritage Program (SEAMAHP)

Wrecks, Wharves, and Warehouses in port. Any of these could be part of researching the maritime heritage of the coast. Our program offers divers and non-divers alike the opportunity to learn the history through exploring the maritime sites and artifacts of the past.

Ongoing Education Programming: SEAMAHP focuses on hands-on educational and training program in maritime heritage. Our programs include:

    • Workshops: Our training courses focus on maritime heritage involving students in interactive classes that examine the “life-cycle” of a vessel from its inception through ship design and construction, through its “adult” life as a working vessel, and its “after life” through training in maritime archaeology of both divers and non-divers.
    • Lecture Series: We provide speakers and events that share how maritime history and heritage have influenced life along the coast with students of all ages.
    • Community Partners: We work with interested organizations to foster engagement and educate the public about maritime heritage.

Contact:, Dr. Calvin Mires (Co-founder, Instructor), 252-902-8351 and Capt. Laurel Seaborn (Co-founder, Instructor), 978-269-7861


Salem, MA 1970

Driving Directions

Notes & Advisories


  • Historic Resources
  • Natural Resources
